Cosmetic Acupuncture a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your natural beauty from within! Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Mei Zen System™ (meaning “beautiful skin”) increases energy and blood flow to the face causing a lifting effect using the body’s own collagen and elastin to diminish the signs of aging. No surgery, no Botox or other foreign substances, no invasive procedures that alter your natural appearance and can be a risk to your health and well-being. Cosmetic acupuncture is the only cosmetic procedure that actually improves your overall health while bringing out your natural radiant beauty! The Mei Zen System™ is a total of ten treatments, 2 sessions a week over five weeks, with routine maintenance 2-3 times a year. Each session begins with bringing the body into balance with acupuncture on the body first, based on the patient’s individual needs, followed by the Mei Zen protocol for the face, very small needles placed on specific energetic points on the face. Each session is 60 minutes which includes a routine intake, before and after photos to monitor your progress.